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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/05/07
March 6, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
March 5th, 2007

Present:  M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, R. Flanders, P. Belliveau

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the February 26th meeting.

P. Belliveau asked to speak to the selectmen. He stated that he is not a resident or a voter, but is the owner of Frameworks and Antrim Mills and is the second biggest taxpayer in Antrim and he stated that he is very concerned about the lack of factual information that is being communicated to the public about Antrim. He thanked the Board of Selectmen for having such a welcoming and proactive town. He is not only one of the biggest taxpayers, but also the largest employer and he very much appreciates all the effort that is being put forth by the Town in the areas of Planning, Building Inspections, Highway, Police and Safety services, and the community physical improvements. He feels that Antrim is a town that is looking forward and planning for its future and is not just waiting for time to pass or catch up. What he has been reading in the local newspapers is of great concern to him, since it shows just how uninformed or misinformed some people really are about the Town in his opinion. He and his wife have been involved with the Town from the first “visioning” session in 1999, as to what people in town wanted Antrim to become, and today they are very proud to see that what the townspeople said they wanted, they got. He does not remember seeing any of the people now making comments ever involved in any of the meetings, attending any of the Master Plan update sessions, or the budget hearings. He is particularly bothered by the comments regarding the police and hidden items in the budget, which he personally finds ridiculous. If some of these people bothered to look at Hillsborough as an example, he said, they would find that Hillsborough has about twice as many residents, and yet their police force is 3 times the size of Antrim’s, they have 3-4 times as many police cars, and their budget is 3-4 times bigger than Antrim’s, so why are some people so concerned about Antrim adding one-half a person? Regarding the budget, he said he attended our Budget Hearing and found that everything was shown and explained very clearly for those who bothered to attend. He and his associates are proud to be part of the Antrim community and he wanted the board to know how supportive he is of their actions and the work that all the department and commission members do for the town. He also expressed that he knows many other business owners who feel very much the same. He stated that he may attend Town Meeting and ask for permission to speak. The Town Moderator, R. Flanders, welcomed him to do so. The Board thanked him for his support and his comments.

The selectmen then met with Robert Flanders, Moderator, to discuss next week’s elections and Town Meeting Plans. All election workers have been scheduled for Tuesday the 13th. Town Meeting will be set up at the Antrim Town Gym at the Antrim Elementary School. The Town meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  The selectmen will be meeting on Wednesday, March 7th at 12:00 noon in a non-public session to discuss a personnel issue per RSA 91:A-4. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Monday, March 12th, at 7:00 p.m.